poetry quarterly

10th anniversary


Fannie H. Gray



I've tasted their bitter words
salty and age old stinging my mouth, my tongue, my soul
And I've heard the thousand voices
whispering in languages spoken for hundreds of years
not even velvet could cloak the vile sentiment
I've felt their eyes upon me
felt the prickle of their gaze underneath my thin skin
All of this I have known
and with these things, with these threads of discord
I have woven my own tapestry
taken their hatred and indifference
and clothed myself in an armor
walking tall past their stares


Fannie Gray was born on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and graduated from Mary Washington College with a degree in Classics. She is married with two small children and lives in South Arlington. In her limited free time, she writes poetry, blogs (www.startthestory.blogspot.com) and tries to emulate her grandmother's creole cooking style.


Published in Volume 12, Number 1, Winter 2011.


To read more by this author:
Fannie H. Gray: Evolving City Issue