Donna Foulke




where river meets ocean
final passage to the
salmon's last rite



on the beach
the bones of a dog salmon



how did we find you
in the black of the ocean
and plan your capture
whitebelly with no eyes
charmed by a halibut hook



killed by a bear
her story and dress
held in a bear's mouth



drying on the beach
sealskins: then as now
we are the ocean



the cannery
silver of
fish and knives



fingers numb
from iced fish
I dip my hands
in buckets of warm water
to feel my fingers again



glows at twilight
flames on a distant shore



far away
I turn to find signs
of raven and eagle



on my return
from a rainforest
the sun shows off



Martha Tabor
Spirit Wands

2001, horsehair & curly willow,
16" x 48" x 4"

See more work by Martha Tabor



Donna Foulke is an Alaska Native artist, originally from Juneau, now living in Northern Virginia. In addition to writing, she is a photographer, sculptor, and printmaker, and works for the U.S. Geological Survey as a graphic artist. In 2000, she was awarded the Alaska Native Writer's Award for Literature from the University of Alaska. She is a member of the Haiku Society of America as well as a local haiku writing group, "Towpath."

Published in Volume 5, Number 1, Winter 2004.