poetry quarterly

10th anniversary


Odilia Galván Rodríguez



For workers everywhere, to all farm workers, factory workers, restaurant and hotel workers, and yes our soldiers—especially all those who believe that their only alternative to working for drug dealers or drug cartels is signing up for military service...

metal tongues
caught and
in two hands
gypsy woman
catches the wind
rushing through
valleys across this nation 

hot earth gasping   we inhale  
sighing        our deep breaths
escape in your sweet bellows
gypsy man play our songs
bleed out our tears            shout
about torn hands     ripped
by their crowns of thorns
stuck in the white           
            cash crop 

we’ve picked the pieces
endless miles that never stop
pounds carried on our stooped
backs   held in the downy soft
canvas bags snaking long
behind us in rows we chop   chop
chop            an eternity     like picking
lice  from  children’s  heads 

we cry   the shame   all our pain
is screamed out in your songs
gypsy woman play it            say
it’s okay to wail   roar out
the bad winds             that catch
in our throats     los llantos
want to escape and they leap            free
from our newly parted chests 

we  are  reflected in the songs  of  these  saints     
.........who follow us   like   guardian  angels          
...........from  camp  to camp   singing  and           
..............playing  out    our  inner    most             
................hopes    our dreams  offered up                 
..................sheer  sound      shouted  long                  
..................loud enough   to  reach  heaven           
   .............blow open the  gates    and  there             
..............are  no  harps    just  the caterwauls          
..........these      gypsies      always          played          
on  their     live        breathing  ....squeeze    boxes 

*The Gypsy Saints

Odilia Galván Rodríguez has been involved in social justice organizing and helping people find their creative and spiritual voice for over two decades.  Odilia is a moderator and one of the founding members of Poets Responding to SB 1070.  She also co-hosts "Poetry Express" a weekly open mike with featured poets in Berkeley, CA.


Published in Volume 13, Number 1, Winter 2012.