Mary Ann Larkin
Farmer Plowing
after a painting by Ross Moffett
Moffett did it all in curves.
The horses’ ribs billow
on a great breath,
stomachs curl to rumps,
the farmer’s back bows
to his bent arm,
even his red suspenders flow.
And, of course, the ribbony furrows
turn and turn beneath
the hills repeating
like a fugue
under cumulus clouds.
Even the tongue
of the bony white dog
circled small in the corner
coils to the fleas
at the base of his poised tail,
naming us kin:
Mary Ann Larkin is author of five chapbooks
of poetry: gods & flesh, A Shimmering That Goes with
Us, The DNA of the Heart (co-written with her husband
Patric Pepper), White Clapboard, and The Coil of the Skin.
Her poetry has appeared in America in Poetry and Ireland
in Poetry, the art and poetry series published by Harry N. Abrams.
With Patric Pepper, she is the founder of Pond Road Press which recently
published a chapbook of Jack Gilbert’s poems about Pittsburgh.
She was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and now lives in Washington
DC and North Truro, Massachusetts.
Published in Volume
10, Number 1, Winter 2009.
Read more by this author:
Ann Larkin: DC Places Issue